The Critical Challenges of Physical Security Convergence

Technology convergence greatly expands the risk of physical security system design and deployment shortcomings. New thinking is required to get things right. AI and the Nonstop Evolution of Computing and Networking AI has pushed exponential technology advancement into hyperdrive, and AI-enabled physical security products are creating a fundamental break from the past 50 years of […]

Physical Security Controls Requirements for NIST, HIPAA and PCI-DSS

What are the common controls across NIST, HIPAA and PCI-DSS for physical security, and how do you perform continuous monitoring and prepare evidence for an audit.  This session will review physical security requirements and discuss appropriate control design.  We will analyze examples of ineffective controls and appropriate remediation plans.

Evel Kneivel Hacked your Organization: Leaping the Chasm between Physical and Cyber Security

Get ready for an electrifying presentation by Kevin Johnson, the mastermind behind Secure Ideas! Join him on an adrenaline-pumping rollercoaster ride as he unveils a real-world attack that’ll leave you on the edge of your seat. Brace yourself for the unexpected twists and turns as Kevin demonstrates how physical access can morph into mind-boggling cybersecurity […]