Jason Spencer

Jason Spencer

Senior Security Consultant, GuidePoint Security

Jason Spencer, Senior Security Consultant (Compliance), began his career in the security industry in 2010. His professional experience includes security assessments, specializing in network, wireless, and vulnerability management. He led and participated in compliance assessments throughout the world for industries such as banking, commercial, and federal agencies. Jason’s extensive experience in network security assessments includes perimeter, network, and wireless, database auditing, workstation review, social engineering, firewall auditing, assessments. He also has worked within Network Operations Center (NOC), and Security Operations Centers (SOC). Jason earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geology with Teacher certification and holds several certifications to include the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

All Sessions by Jason Spencer

Converge Security Conference 2024 October 25, 2024
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm

Small/Medium Businesses CMMC Hurdles

Platinum 4

With the Proposed Rule being released small to medium size businesses continue to struggle with what does it mean for them. There seems to be misunderstanding of timelines, implementation timelines, and compliance timelines. Through this session small to medium size business owners will be given a clear pictures of timelines, costs, compliance, and what comes next.